Canopy Piloting
(These courses are by appointment only)

Photo by Samantha Schwann

Whether you are just curious about swooping, or are looking for that competitive edge, the AXIS Canopy Piloting program will challenge any level of jumper. Improving speed production, defining canopy limits, piloting craft, and course navigation techniques are combined with personalized instruction, and real-world competition scenarios.

All courses in this program can be customized to suit your needs. We can accommodate most time and budget parameters – even full day and multi-day courses (on-site or off-site)!

Canopy Piloting Course Tier 3
«Building Speed»

Canopy Piloting: Building Speed
Photo by Niklas Daniel.

… introduces jumpers to using front risers on their final approach. You will be made aware of glide slop changes and increased airspeed. Consistently accurate landings are a prerequisite for this course, as adding power with minimal directional control is not a good recipe. Much of the course's focus is placed on flight-planning. Adjusting for wind conditions in order to fly precise and repeatable patterns using a GPS tracking system.

Canopy Piloting Course Tier 2
«Performance Turns»

Canopy Piloting: Performance Turns
Photo by Niklas Daniel.

… is the next step in the performance landing program. Once a pilot has demonstrated proficiency in developing speed on a straight-in-approach, s/he will then be introduced to adding rotation (45˚, 90˚, 270˚, and so on). By building the performance approach from the bottom up, the student is always flying towards familiar sight pictures. In addition, it is paramount knowing when to abandon or bail from a performance turn. This is not a matter of if, but when. When pushing your personal performance envelope, safety conscious decision-making is essential.

Canopy Piloting Course Tier 1
«Flying Through Gates»

Canopy Piloting: Flying Through Gates
Photo by Samantha Schwann.

… enhances a pilot's ability by shifting the focus back to accuracy. Having demonstrated that s/he can bring energy to the ground, the emphasis is now placed on directing that energy through a set of entry gates. This prepares prospecting competition pilots on how to enter a competition course.

Payment, Re-scheduling and Cancellation Policy

Please contact us to discuss and schedule your custom training plan prior to arriving at AXIS Seasonal demand for coaching at Skydive Arizona increases in the fall and winter months.

To provide you with the best possible experience, we kindly ask that you reach out to us with at least 2 weeks notice.

We welcome and strive to accommodate walk-ups and inquiries, but are generally more limited on time.

Once you are satisfied with the training plan your coach has created, you may be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit to secure your reservation. If that is the case, please click on the payment button (right) which will take you to our Square Store.

If you choose to cancel or reschedule no later than 72 hours prior to an event, your deposit can be applied towards a later date or other service.

For later cancellations and no-shows, the deposit is forfeit. You may send a replacement in your stead, but will need to make financial arrangements with that person yourself.

Available Badges

Canopy Piloting: Building Speed

Recipient has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to utilize a straight-in final landing approach using front risers in order to increase airspeed.

How this Badge is Earned

Achieved prerequisite badges: USPA B-License Canopy Proficiency, and Advanced Accuracy.
In addition, recipient has demonstrated the following to the satisfaction of an AXIS Coach™: a) Proper hand placement to manipulate the front risers in flight, b) Forced recovery drills, c) Adjustments to landing pattern to accomidate accuracy during a front riser approach.

Canopy Piloting: Performance Turns

Recipient has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to utilize up to a 270 degree rotation in order to increase airspeed on landing.

How this Badge is Earned

Achieved prerequisite badges: USPA B-License Canopy Proficiency, Advanced Accuracy, In-air Canopy Skills - Formation Flying, In-air Canopy Skills - Dynamic Formations, and Canopy Piloting - Building Speed.
In addition, recipient has demonstrated the following to the satisfaction of an AXIS Coach™: a) Utilizing various degrees of rotation in order to increase airspeed on landing (90, 180, and 270), b) Understanding how to bail out of a low turn.

Canopy Piloting: Flying Through Gates

Recipient has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to fly through 5 foot entry gates, and navigate a competition canopy piloting course.

How this Badge is Earned

Achieved prerequisite badges: USPA B-License Canopy Proficiency, Advanced Accuracy, In-air Canopy Skills - Formation Flying, In-air Canopy Skills - Dynamic Formations, Canopy Piloting - Building Speed, Canopy Piloting - Performance Turns, and RDS Endorsment.
In addition, recipient has demonstrated the following to the satisfaction of an AXIS Coach™: a) Utilizing a 450 degree rotation or greater in order to increase airspeed on landing, b) Ability to enter and navigate through a canopy piloting course with 5 foot entry gates, c) Strategies to navigate various competition courses (speed, distance, and accuracy).

Canopy NINJA

Recipient has demonstrated extraordinary flying ability and contributes to the sport of canopy piloting by teaching others.

How this Badge is Earned

Achieved merits: In-air Canopy Skills Team Landings, Canopy Piloting Tier 1, In-air Canopy Skills - 1-on-1 CRW, In-air Canopy Skills - XRW Canopy Pilot.
In addition, recipient has demonstrated the following to the satisfaction of an AXIS Coach™: a) Participated on at least one successful Stadium Demonstration Jump, b) Last to pin a 4-stack CRW formation or larger, c) Participated in at least one Canopy Piloting Nationals (Open category).

RDS Endorsement

Recipient has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to properly pack and operate a removable deployment system (RDS) in flight.

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