AXIS Skydiving Repository

Photo by Niklas Daniel

This page with skydiving references is meant to show you what kind of in­for­ma­tion is available to you out there. It is intended as a service only. We strongly recommended that you always double-check with the original source of information (and always read their disclaimer!)!

Click on one of the chapter links below, and it will take you to the corresponding part of the page.

Chapter 1: AXIS Course Material

AXIS Course Material > Advanced Accuracy

The Accuracy Trick
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Understanding your canopy's glide slope is an essential skill that you need to apply on every jump. Whether you have to navigate back from a long spot or land your reserve in someone's backyard, this visual trick will increase your chance of success.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Relative Glide
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Understanding the difference between glide ratio and relative glide as well as how to best manipulate your canopy's control range to affect relative glide.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Parachute Flight Dynamics
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

To become a more proficient canopy pilot, it's important to understand that the jumper is not separate from the canopy but is in fact part of an integrated system. Without delving too much into design specifics of parachutes, let's examine how a jumper's choices and actions affect the system as a whole.
[ Full Article ]  

99 Problems, but the Wind ain't One
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

When a canopy pilot moves through air that is itself moving, that air continuously affects the parachute's speed and path over the ground. When you are trying to make it back to the landing area, merely pointing the canopy's nose toward the target may not be enough.
[ Full Article ]  

Reading Surface Wind Conditions
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Increase situational awareness and increase ability to make better landing pattern and direction decisions. Better anticipate your movement across the ground (holding, running and crabbing). Anticipate and avoid turbulent conditions.
[ Full Article ]  

AXIS Course Material > B License Day

Braked Canopy Flight
Article by Brianne Thompson and Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of this drill is to increase a pilot's awareness of a canopy's control range, awareness of a canopy's bank angle and angle of attack, landing proficiency, and long-spot navigation with a tail-wind. It also helps to gain mobility and increase the ability to ease congestion in the landing pattern as well as improve safety of emergency maneuvers near the ground.
[ Full Article ]  

Relative Glide
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Understanding the difference between glide ratio and relative glide as well as how to best manipulate your canopy's control range to affect relative glide.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Why Stall?
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Anyone who takes a quick look at the USPA Canopy Piloting Proficiency Card will notice that most of the maneuvers are of the slowflight variety. The big question is, "Why do I need to perform stalls? What practical application does it offer?" Learning more about slow flight and stalls not only prepares you to land your parachute better, but also teaches you just how versatile your wing can be.
[ Full Article ]  

Rear-Riser Stall
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Stalling a parachute is a huge fear for most jumpers. However, exploring stalls and the slow-flight range of a canopy gives jumpers a better understanding of how their parachutes work and helps them to fly better landing patterns, improve accuracy and execute consistently soft landings.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Toggle Stalls
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Reasons to practice toggle Stalls are to understand your canopy's slow-flight characteristics and its limits (the stall point), to improve your landings by making smoother and more precise inputs, to further your knowledge of braked (flat) turns for obstacle avoidance, and to minimize altitude loss when turning and to maintain vertical separation from others when turning in the pattern.
[ Full Article ]  

Training for Water Landings — More Than Just a Sign-Off
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Samantha Schwann.

Training for intentional and unintentional water landings is an important part of a skydiver's learning progression and is required to receive the USPA B license. Unfortunately, most jumpers rarely give it much thought after their instructors sign them off for this skill, and few take the time to carefully consider the dangers involved.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Reading Surface Wind Conditions
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Increase situational awareness and increase ability to make better landing pattern and direction decisions. Better anticipate your movement across the ground (holding, running and crabbing). Anticipate and avoid turbulent conditions.
[ Full Article ]  

AXIS Course Material > Canopy Piloting Program

Properly Applying Front-Riser Input
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn correct hand placement while applying front-riser input to: avoid dropping a toggle, increase awareness of a canopy's control range, initiate a heading change, change the canopy's profile to increase descent rate and correspondingly increase airspeed, and allow a greater range of mobility within the landing pattern relative to other canopies.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

AXIS Course Material > In-Air Canopy Skills Program

Relative Positioning Under Canopy
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Understanding your position relative to other jumpers under canopy is an essential skill, whether you are trying to avoid the other person or engage in a canopy formation skydive. To do this, you need to train and keep your skills of perception current.
[ Full Article ]  

Chapter 2: Body Flight

Body Flight > Introduction / Theory

Body Flight Theory — Part 1: A Skydiving Coordinate System
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Humans have built bridges longer than recorded history without complex engineering knowledge. But with a greater theoretical understanding, we have been able to create engineering marvels the world over. Similarly, you don't have to be an expert at theory to excel at bodyflight, but a deeper understanding should elevate the sport and your own flying to a new level.
Published online in SkydiveMag:
Episode 1—The Axis system and Frames of reference.
Episode 2—Six directions of movement, Orientation borders and Range of motion.
Episode 3—Move combinations, including Multi-axis combinations.
Episode 4—Terminators, Real world applications and Conclusion.
or read as pdf-file
[ Full Article ]  

Body Flight > Solo Skills

Angle-Flying Feet First on Back
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Feet First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness. You can do this best by first getting proficient at flying a flat track on both your belly and your back.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Head First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying—also called tracking, atmonauti, zooming, tracing and many other names over the years—involves creating a horizontal flight path (as opposed to “falling down the tube”) by manipulating the pitch of the body. The challenge when angle flying is not just learning how to fly your body but also how to navigate the space around you.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly Backward Drive
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and build air awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly Forward Drive
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and open a gateway to back tracking and angle flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly Side-Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The ability to side slide in the back-fly orientation is a fundamental skill that flyers need in order to be effective in several disciplines. Flyers use lateral movements to reach other flyers, build formations, participate in dynamic disciplines, as well be able to make adjustments to any transition that passes through the back-fly orientation. Before attempting side slides on your back, you should first be proficient at the back-fly neutral position.
[ Full Article ]  

Forward Drive on the Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The ability to drive forward is a fundamental skill that flyers need in order to be effective in several disciplines. Jumpers use forward drive to reach another jumper or a formation, to move around in the formation from one point to the next, and to neutralize a backward drive in order to stop.
[ Full Article ]  

Head Position
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The skull houses several environment-sensing organs, such as the eyes, the ears and the cerebellum. Working in concert, these help define and regulate your body's balance and motion (i.e., location, speed, direction and orientation in space). To fly your body as effectively as possible, you need to receive quick and clear feedback from these systems. Therefore, it is important to properly position your head relative to the rest of your body.
[ Full Article ]  

Head Switching
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Incorporating head switches into your turns can improve your turning performance by increasing your body and spatial awareness and mitigating blind spots. Jumpers can use this technique in any body-flight orientation and axis of rotation.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-down Fall-Rate Changes in the Shelf Position
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your ability to reach a formation and fly relative to others. Increase your ability to take and maintain grips. There are many ways of flying head down. Flyers can use the various terminal velocities (fall rates) of these positions to their advantage.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Once you reach breakoff altitude, your primary objective is to create a lot of horizontal distance from other jumpers in order to deploy your parachute safely. It may be difficult to know the location of every person on your jump, which is why it is your responsibility to clear your airspace while moving away. Avoiding collisions in freefall, during deployment and under canopy is paramount.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up to Head-down Shelf Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and to help you gain the ability to transition from one flight mode to another mid-jump. Learn a skill used extensively in vertical and mixed formation skydiving.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up Side Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly Fall-Rate Changes (Leg Mechanics)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your ability to chase and fly relative to others and learn an important skill for taking and maintaining grips! There are many ways of flying head-up or vertically oriented, and a flyer can take advantage of the various postures and their resultant terminal velocities (fall rates).
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly Turns (Arm Mechanics)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

This ability will help you to perform advanced arm turns (mantis position) on your belly, hold a solid, neutral back-fly position, perform back-fly to sit-fly transition, hold a solid, neutral head-up position, etc.
[ Full Article ]  

Who Says Solos Can't Be Fun — The Thrill and Challenge of Speed Skydiving
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Speed skydiving is the fastest non-motorized sport on earth, with competitors reaching velocities as high as those of Top Fuel dragsters, the quickest accelerating racing cars in the world. With the amount of energy a speed skydiver produces, those on the ground can actually hear the jumper pulling out of a dive! The sensations you experience speed skydiving are unlike anything you'll experience on other types of skydives.
[ Full Article ]  

Belly to Head-Up Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

This article looks at the Belly to Head-up Transition and focusses on the technical execution as well as on how it should feel to the jumper. It also includes helpful hints on how to remedy typical problems that arise when a jumper first tries the maneuver.
[ Full Article ]  

Body Flight > Angle-flying

Backward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive backward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventu-ally, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move farther and more quickly in the backward direction.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Safety: increase awareness of your surroundings and create adequate separation from large groups before deploying your parachute. Performance: increase your physical awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Angle-Flying Feet First on Back
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Feet First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness. You can do this best by first getting proficient at flying a flat track on both your belly and your back.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Forward Movement
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

This is a necessary skill for succeeding at head-down formation jumps (VFS and MFS). It is also essential for breaking off from a head-down jump and a prerequisite for in-facing carving and other angle-type jumps as well as floating or diving to a formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Forward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive forward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventually, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move forward farther and more quickly.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Head First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying—also called tracking, atmonauti, zooming, tracing and many other names over the years—involves creating a horizontal flight path (as opposed to “falling down the tube”) by manipulating the pitch of the body. The challenge when angle flying is not just learning how to fly your body but also how to navigate the space around you.
[ Full Article ]  

Tracking — Theory and Application
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Tracking is an area that jumpers, regardless of skill level, need to continually practice and improve. Even those who have made thousands of skydives often need to go back and hone the basics, since many will have formed inefficient habits over the years. A good, basic tracking position will maximize both forward drive and lift to create the most horizontal separation from others in the shortest amount of time possible. In other words, at the end of a skydive, trackers should try to fall as slowly as they can and go forward as quickly as they can so they don't open their parachutes near anyone.
[ Full Article ]  

Back Tracking
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to lead a tracking dive and how to track away from a freefly jump.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Back-fly

Angle-Flying Feet First on Back
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly to Sit-Fly Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn how to fly through multiple axes and how to recover from sit-fly instability.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Backward Drive
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and build air awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

The Barrel Roll
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Performance: this maneuver is frequently used transition for back-to-belly freefly compulsory moves in competition. Safety: It is also a technique to recover from instability, used to clear airspace above you prior to deployment and its half-way point, backflying, is a bail-out procedure for freeflying (to prevent corking).
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Safety: increase awareness of your surroundings and create adequate separation from large groups before deploying your parachute. Performance: increase your physical awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down In-Facing Carving
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Achieve greater mobility while flying head-down or while back-flying, and perfect a flying position that has a wide fall-rate range and allows the jumper to cover great distances.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Floater Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Get a better understanding of “the hill” (the directional shift in the relative wind immediately after exit) and and introduction to freefly exits.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Fall-Rate Changes
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

There are many reasons for learning to control fall rate while on your back, but one of the most common is the need to maintain level during a sit-fly jump when a partner loses his balance and “corks”. By back-flying at a slower fall rate, you will be able to minimize the vertical distance and perhaps be able to salvage what is left of your working time.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly Forward Drive
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and open a gateway to back tracking and angle flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Taking Grips
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Docking properly is an important element of formation flying, whether it's a 2-way belly jump, a competition 4-way or a 138-way head-down world record. Being able to take a “quiet” dock (one that does not disrupt the formation) is fundamental for weekend fun jumpers, competitors and AFF instructors alike.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head Switching
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Incorporating head switches into your turns can improve your turning performance by increasing your body and spatial awareness and mitigating blind spots. Jumpers can use this technique in any body-flight orientation and axis of rotation.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Once you reach breakoff altitude, your primary objective is to create a lot of horizontal distance from other jumpers in order to deploy your parachute safely. It may be difficult to know the location of every person on your jump, which is why it is your responsibility to clear your airspace while moving away. Avoiding collisions in freefall, during deployment and under canopy is paramount.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 8 (Bison)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Bison), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Exit for Random G (T-Squared)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random G (T-Squared), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Basic Back-Fly Position
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This introduction to freeflying wants to increase your fall-rate range and help you maintain your fall rate if you lose stability during a freefly jump.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Range of Motion Drills for Back-Flyers
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of these drills is to become more stable and mobile while back-flying solo, to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on other jumpers, and to gain greater air awareness that will allow you to perform more advanced maneuvers (such as back- to-head-up transitions).
[ Full Article ]  

Back-fly Side-Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The ability to side slide in the back-fly orientation is a fundamental skill that flyers need in order to be effective in several disciplines. Flyers use lateral movements to reach other flyers, build formations, participate in dynamic disciplines, as well be able to make adjustments to any transition that passes through the back-fly orientation. Before attempting side slides on your back, you should first be proficient at the back-fly neutral position.
[ Full Article ]  

Back Tracking
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to lead a tracking dive and how to track away from a freefly jump.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Belly-to-Back Backflip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, and gain an introduction to flying through multiple axes, including the vertical. This skill also assists in learning to fly head-up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly-to-Belly Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, gain an introduction to flying through the vertical axis, and learn to fly through multiple axes. This skill also assists with learning to fly head up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly Turns (Heading Changes)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Jumpers can induce heading changes in several ways. This article covers two basic ways, which isolate upper and lower body move-ments. After gaining proficiency at both, you can combine them.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Belly

2-Way Belly Cat-Accordion Move
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

A caterpillar (aka cat or cat-accordion) formation is a part of every belly discipline including mixed formation skydiving. Jumpers of all experience levels need to be able to execute this maneuver when flying belly formations.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Belly Star Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Phalanx Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the 2-Way Phalanx exit, from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Advanced Belly Turns
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Increase speed in a turn. Gain a greater lower-body awareness. Improve super-positioning (moving in more than a single direction). Learn how to add precision to a turn and how to stop more precisely.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Angle-Flying—Feet First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness. You can do this best by first getting proficient at flying a flat track on both your belly and your back.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Head First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying—also called tracking, atmonauti, zooming, tracing and many other names over the years—involves creating a horizontal flight path (as opposed to “falling down the tube”) by manipulating the pitch of the body. The challenge when angle flying is not just learning how to fly your body but also how to navigate the space around you.
[ Full Article ]  

Backward Movement—Belly Flying
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Stop more powerfully when going forward or approaching a target, learn to maneuver while on grips, to move pieces while formation skydiving, and to increase your body-flight awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Barrel Roll
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Performance: this maneuver is frequently used transition for back-to-belly freefly compulsory moves in competition. Safety: It is also a technique to recover from instability, used to clear airspace above you prior to deployment and its half-way point, backflying, is a bail-out procedure for freeflying (to prevent corking).
[ Full Article ]  

Big-Way Approaches (Belly Formations)
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to properly approach a formation of any size from a dive and the appropriate sight pictures in a large formation. Understand proper docking on a large formation.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Breaking off from a Belly Formation
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

One of the most important things a jumper can do to ensure safety during a group skydive is to properly track away from the formation at breakoff time. However, performing a straight, flat track alone is not enough.
[ Full Article ]  

Diving Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: begin an aggressive dive in a stable position with a predictable trajectory. Performance: successfully dive after a formation of any size or efficiently dive after a student as an AFF instructor.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Floater Exit
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Better understand “the hill” (the shift in the relative wind during the first few seconds after exit). Learn an essential formation skydiving skill (2-ways to big-ways) and a position used for hop and pops, camera flying and reserve-side AFF instruction.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Launching a 2-Way Sidebody Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive, perfect a basic and fundamental exit technique used extensively in 4-way formation skydiving, and facilitate an easier transition into larger formation exits.
[ Full Article ]  

A Guide to Filming FS 4-Way — Climb Out, Freak Out, Chill Out
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This article is for jumpers who already have some experience flying camera and are trying to expand their knowledge of how to film formation teams in a competition setting. I will focus mainly on 4-way, because I believe it to be the most difficult formation skydiving discipline to film (aside from vertical formation skydiving), due to the many different exits and faster key speeds. However, once you have a firm grasp of shooting 4-way, the same principles can be applied to 8-way and larger formations.
[ Full Article ]  

Forward Drive on the Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The ability to drive forward is a fundamental skill that flyers need in order to be effective in several disciplines. Jumpers use forward drive to reach another jumper or a formation, to move around in the formation from one point to the next, and to neutralize a backward drive in order to stop.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting an Open Accordion (4-Way FS Random F)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Sandy Radsek and Kim Winslow.
Camera by Niklas Daniel (air) and Mark Kirschenbaum (ground).

Exiting an open accordion (formation F in the 4-way dive pool) appears simple but is deceptively difficult. These instructions show the exit from a Twin Otter, the most commonly used plane for competitions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Taking Grips
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Docking properly is an important element of formation flying, whether it's a 2-way belly jump, a competition 4-way or a 138-way head-down world record. Being able to take a “quiet” dock (one that does not disrupt the formation) is fundamental for weekend fun jumpers, competitors and AFF instructors alike.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head Switching
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Incorporating head switches into your turns can improve your turning performance by increasing your body and spatial awareness and mitigating blind spots. Jumpers can use this technique in any body-flight orientation and axis of rotation.
[ Full Article ]  

Level Changes While Belly Flying
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: avoid collision, understandi and navigate through burbles, stay with students (for rating holders). Performance: get to different vantage points (for camera flyers), make a powerful stop after diving to a base, increase your ability to fly with a wide range of people with a variety of fall rates, and improve your track with slow-flight skills.
[ Full Article ]  

Side Buddies (FS Block 7)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to effciently perform Block 7 of the 4-Way Formation Skydiving Dive Pool (Side Buddies) and increase your basic knowledge of how to make 360-degree turns from a sidebody for 8-way, 16-way or any size sequential formation.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way MFS Block 7—Periscope-Periscope
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Kevin Mitchell.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 7 (Periscope), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a 2-Way Compressed Accordion / Periscope (MFS Block 7)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive and learn an advanced 2-way exit that is a component of several 4-way exits currently in the dive pool.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 8 (Bison)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Bison), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 10 (Flat Stairstep)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 10 (Flat Stairstep), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Exit for Random G (T-Squared)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random G (T-Squared), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Vertical Compressed Exit (MFS Random C)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

In the 2-way vertical compressed formation (random formation C in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool), the performers fly in opposing orientations, head-up and headdown.
[ Full Article ]  

The Neutral Belly Position
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Although all jumpers may feel familiar with the neutral belly position, many do not use proper technique since some of the methods used to teach it actually encourage improper positions. Many jumpers mistake it as only a deployment position and miss, that it is also an essential flying position.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

2-Way Phalanx to Open Accordion Drill
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Two-way formation skydiving drills such as this one are beneficial because both flyers get an opportunity to work on their personal skills. The ability to fly relative to another jumper is essential for all formation skydiving disciplines, no matter the size of the formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Range of Motion Drills for Belly-Flyers
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of these drills is to become more stable and mobile while belly flying, to gain the skill set necessary to begin flying with the entire body, to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on other jumpers, to rapidly recover from instability (self induced, caused by others, even on the hill), to counteract unwanted movement during maneuvers.
[ Full Article ]  

The Side Slide
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

In a side-slide, your goal is to move horizontally toward a target. Though you'll use similar inputs as you do when turning, you'll drive both your upper and lower body in the same direction.
[ Full Article ]  

Spinning a 2-Way-Caterpillar (Cat) Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Spinning a Sidebody Piece Backward
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Tracking — Theory and Application
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Tracking is an area that jumpers, regardless of skill level, need to continually practice and improve. Even those who have made thousands of skydives often need to go back and hone the basics, since many will have formed inefficient habits over the years. A good, basic tracking position will maximize both forward drive and lift to create the most horizontal separation from others in the shortest amount of time possible. In other words, at the end of a skydive, trackers should try to fall as slowly as they can and go forward as quickly as they can so they don't open their parachutes near anyone.
[ Full Article ]  

Belly-to-Back Backflip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, and gain an introduction to flying through multiple axes, including the vertical. This skill also assists in learning to fly head-up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly-to-Belly Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, gain an introduction to flying through the vertical axis, and learn to fly through multiple axes. This skill also assists with learning to fly head up.
[ Full Article ]  

Belly to Head-Up Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

This article looks at the Belly to Head-up Transition and focusses on the technical execution as well as on how it should feel to the jumper. It also includes helpful hints on how to remedy typical problems that arise when a jumper first tries the maneuver.
[ Full Article ]  

Two-Way Verticals (aka "Over Unders" or "Burble Hopping")
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: Recognize and either avoid or navigate through a burble, avoid getting “taken out” if another jumper goes low on a formation, and avoid having a burble affect stability during a skydive. Performance: Learn a fundamental skill for performing 4-way and 8-way formation skydiving blocks and further develop your fall-rate skills and apply them to a new task.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Formation Skydiving

Body Flight > Formation Skydiving > FS

2-Way Belly Cat-Accordion Move
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

A caterpillar (aka cat or cat-accordion) formation is a part of every belly discipline including mixed formation skydiving. Jumpers of all experience levels need to be able to execute this maneuver when flying belly formations.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Phalanx Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the 2-Way Phalanx exit, from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Belly Star Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Big-Way Approaches (Belly Formations)
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to properly approach a formation of any size from a dive and the appropriate sight pictures in a large formation. Understand proper docking on a large formation.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Breaking off from a Belly Formation
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

One of the most important things a jumper can do to ensure safety during a group skydive is to properly track away from the formation at breakoff time. However, performing a straight, flat track alone is not enough.
[ Full Article ]  

Launching a 2-Way Sidebody Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive, perfect a basic and fundamental exit technique used extensively in 4-way formation skydiving, and facilitate an easier transition into larger formation exits.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting an Open Accordion (4-Way FS Random F)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Sandy Radsek and Kim Winslow.
Camera by Niklas Daniel (air) and Mark Kirschenbaum (ground).

Exiting an open accordion (formation F in the 4-way dive pool) appears simple but is deceptively difficult. These instructions show the exit from a Twin Otter, the most commonly used plane for competitions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Side Buddies (FS Block 7)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to effciently perform Block 7 of the 4-Way Formation Skydiving Dive Pool (Side Buddies) and increase your basic knowledge of how to make 360-degree turns from a sidebody for 8-way, 16-way or any size sequential formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a 2-Way Compressed Accordion / Periscope (MFS Block 7)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive and learn an advanced 2-way exit that is a component of several 4-way exits currently in the dive pool.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Phalanx to Open Accordion Drill
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Two-way formation skydiving drills such as this one are beneficial because both flyers get an opportunity to work on their personal skills. The ability to fly relative to another jumper is essential for all formation skydiving disciplines, no matter the size of the formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Spinning a 2-Way-Caterpillar (Cat) Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Spinning a Sidebody Piece Backward
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Two-Way Verticals (aka "Over Unders" or "Burble Hopping")
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: Recognize and either avoid or navigate through a burble, avoid getting “taken out” if another jumper goes low on a formation, and avoid having a burble affect stability during a skydive. Performance: Learn a fundamental skill for performing 4-way and 8-way formation skydiving blocks and further develop your fall-rate skills and apply them to a new task.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Formation Skydiving > MFS

69 Exit (MFS Block 1)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The 2-way formation called “69” is in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool as block 1. Learn more about this exit, where performers fly in opposite vertical orientations (head up and head down) facing one another.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way MFS Block 7—Periscope-Periscope
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Kevin Mitchell.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 7 (Periscope), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 8 (Bison)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Bison), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 10 (Flat Stairstep)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 10 (Flat Stairstep), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Two-Way Head-Down Flower Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The 2-way flower is a great exit for jumpers just learning to fly head down. Though there are different ways to launch it, this one, launched from a left-door aircraft such as a Twin Otter using front- and rear-float positions, is the most basic.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Exit for Random G (T-Squared)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random G (T-Squared), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 1—Double 69
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 1 (Double 69), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The double spock is a competitive freefly maneuver found in the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer facing one another and docking with a single hand on each other's heads.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Learn all about exiting a Mixed Formation Skydiving Random B (Double Spocl), from move desciption, prerequisites, set-up, to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sole to sole (MFS Random D)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The sole-to-sole is a competitive freefly maneuver, formation FF-3 of the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer making stationary contact with the sole of the other jumper's foot.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Half Rebel (MFS Random N)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Increase your ability to score points during a mixed formation skydiving competition in which the half rebel (MFS random formation N) is the first point by launching it from the aircraft.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Decoding MFS Video
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by David Cherry and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Although MFS teams generally put most of their training focus on the performers, the camera flyers' performances are critical to success. The mixture of horizontal and vertical formations makes flying camera for an MFS team very challenging because there is a lot of active flying necessary to get the best camera angle.
[ Full Article ]  

Vertical Compressed Exit (MFS Random C)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

In the 2-way vertical compressed formation (random formation C in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool), the performers fly in opposing orientations, head-up and headdown.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Random F (Totem)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random F (Totem), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Body Flight > Formation Skydiving > VFS

VFS Block 4
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 4 (Chain Gang), from move desciption to execution (head-down and head-up flyers), and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 8
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Buddy), from move desciption to execution, and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Head-down

Head-Down Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Safety: increase awareness of your surroundings and create adequate separation from large groups before deploying your parachute. Performance: increase your physical awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Camera — Tricks and Traps
Article by Niklas Daniel and Sara Curtis; .
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) is a new and strongly emerging discipline, which combines the body-flight skills of freeflying and the mental skills of formation skydiving. In the past, very few skydivers have had the ability to take part in this discipline because it takes a certain level of proficiency of flight, and a complex understanding of formations. Today wind tunnels are springing up all over the globe, assisting skydivers in their quest for awesomeness. (…) In this article we are going to take a closer look at the camera flyer. Even though there may be some similarities in the responsibilities between camera flyers on the horizontal and vertical axis, with the addition of a greater fall rate speed and added dimensions of the formations, filming VFS is probably one of the most difficult disciplines to shoot. Here we check out some tricks and traps of this fun and challenging position.
[ Full Article ]  

Outfacing Head-Down Carve
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn to have greater mobility while flying head-down, as well as while angle-flying.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-Fly to Head-Down Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in neutral sit-fly and head-down positions, particularly the head-down daffy, with sit-to-sit front flips and backflips, as well as belly-to-back barrel rolls to help with visuals.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down In-Facing Carving
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Achieve greater mobility while flying head-down or while back-flying, and perfect a flying position that has a wide fall-rate range and allows the jumper to cover great distances.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Half Reverse Eagle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

The two performers face each other in opposing orientations (one is head up, the other head down) and simultaneously fly around one another on the vertical axis toward their feet. They then stop at the 180-degree mark, having traded places.
[ Full Article ]  

Two-Way Head-Down Flower Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The 2-way flower is a great exit for jumpers just learning to fly head down. Though there are different ways to launch it, this one, launched from a left-door aircraft such as a Twin Otter using front- and rear-float positions, is the most basic.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Fall-Rate Changes in the Shelf Position
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your ability to reach a formation and fly relative to others. Increase your ability to take and maintain grips. There are many ways of flying head down. Flyers can use the various terminal velocities (fall rates) of these positions to their advantage.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Foreward Movement in the Daffy Position
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This is a necessary skill for success at head-down formation jumps (vertical and mixed formation skydiving) which can help you gain the ability to better deal with leg traffic while flying in close proximity to others.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Forward Movement
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

This is a necessary skill for succeeding at head-down formation jumps (VFS and MFS). It is also essential for breaking off from a head-down jump and a prerequisite for in-facing carving and other angle-type jumps as well as floating or diving to a formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit to Head-Down Front Flip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

Learn a basic transition for the 2-way mixed formation skydiving dive pool and get an introduction to the half-eagle move.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Taking Grips
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Docking properly is an important element of formation flying, whether it's a 2-way belly jump, a competition 4-way or a 138-way head-down world record. Being able to take a “quiet” dock (one that does not disrupt the formation) is fundamental for weekend fun jumpers, competitors and AFF instructors alike.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head Switching
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Incorporating head switches into your turns can improve your turning performance by increasing your body and spatial awareness and mitigating blind spots. Jumpers can use this technique in any body-flight orientation and axis of rotation.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Side-Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, stability and mobility. Improve your vertical and mixed formation skydiving skills.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-down Variations
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your stability and range in the head-down orientation by learning different leg positions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-up to Head-down Shelf Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and to help you gain the ability to transition from one flight mode to another mid-jump. Learn a skill used extensively in vertical and mixed formation skydiving.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 1—Double 69
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 1 (Double 69), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

69 Exit (MFS Block 1)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The 2-way formation called “69” is in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool as block 1. Learn more about this exit, where performers fly in opposite vertical orientations (head up and head down) facing one another.
[ Full Article ]  

Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The double spock is a competitive freefly maneuver found in the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer facing one another and docking with a single hand on each other's heads.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Learn all about exiting a Mixed Formation Skydiving Random B (Double Spocl), from move desciption, prerequisites, set-up, to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sole to sole (MFS Random D)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The sole-to-sole is a competitive freefly maneuver, formation FF-3 of the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer making stationary contact with the sole of the other jumper's foot.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Half Rebel (MFS Random N)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Increase your ability to score points during a mixed formation skydiving competition in which the half rebel (MFS random formation N) is the first point by launching it from the aircraft.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down Range of Motion Drills
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of these drills is for solo jumpers to become more stable and mobile in the head-down position and to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on another jumper.
[ Full Article ]  

Rock the Cradle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in performing a half-loop from the head-up to head-down orientation and a half-loop from the head-down to the head-up orientation.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Flip Transition from Sit to Head-Down Daffy
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

When transitioning from a head-up to a head-down position, most vertical formation skydiving competitors transition over their backs instead of performing cartwheels. Though the end result is the same, the back flip has more dynamic range, is more aerodynamic and is easier to control than a cartwheel.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down Turns
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of head-down turns is to create a heading change, increase your basic flying proficiencyand your overall body awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 4
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 4 (Chain Gang), from move desciption to execution (head-down and head-up flyers), and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 8
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Buddy), from move desciption to execution, and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Head-up

Angle-Flying Feet First on Back
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness.
[ Full Article ]  

Angle-Flying—Feet First on Belly
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Angle flying blurs the lines between horizontal and vertical flying. To excel at this flying method, you first have to understand your direction of travel, which comes with gaining spatial awareness. You can do this best by first getting proficient at flying a flat track on both your belly and your back.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly to Sit-Fly Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn how to fly through multiple axes and how to recover from sit-fly instability.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Backward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive backward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventu-ally, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move farther and more quickly in the backward direction.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly to Head-Down Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in neutral sit-fly and head-down positions, particularly the head-down daffy, with sit-to-sit front flips and backflips, as well as belly-to-back barrel rolls to help with visuals.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-sit Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of this drill is to increase balance in the head-up orientation, to learn to fly through multiple axes, and to learn an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]  

Half Reverse Eagle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

The two performers face each other in opposing orientations (one is head up, the other head down) and simultaneously fly around one another on the vertical axis toward their feet. They then stop at the 180-degree mark, having traded places.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly Exits
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Learn the proper techniques for the most common sit-fly exits: front and rear float. Jumpers can perform this dive as a 2-way or break it into its components for a solo dive.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Forward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive forward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventually, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move forward farther and more quickly.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit to Head-Down Front Flip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

Learn a basic transition for the 2-way mixed formation skydiving dive pool and get an introduction to the half-eagle move.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Taking Grips
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Docking properly is an important element of formation flying, whether it's a 2-way belly jump, a competition 4-way or a 138-way head-down world record. Being able to take a “quiet” dock (one that does not disrupt the formation) is fundamental for weekend fun jumpers, competitors and AFF instructors alike.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head Switching
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Incorporating head switches into your turns can improve your turning performance by increasing your body and spatial awareness and mitigating blind spots. Jumpers can use this technique in any body-flight orientation and axis of rotation.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Once you reach breakoff altitude, your primary objective is to create a lot of horizontal distance from other jumpers in order to deploy your parachute safely. It may be difficult to know the location of every person on your jump, which is why it is your responsibility to clear your airspace while moving away. Avoiding collisions in freefall, during deployment and under canopy is paramount.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up to Head-down Shelf Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The goals of this drill are to increase your mobility and to help you gain the ability to transition from one flight mode to another mid-jump. Learn a skill used extensively in vertical and mixed formation skydiving.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-up Variations
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Sit-flying is the most common variation of head-up flying, but there are many other possibilities. By changing your leg positions and manipulating the air pressure in front of and behind your body simultaneously, you can progress beyond the basic sit-fly and add positions such as the knee-fly, stag and stand to your repertoire.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

MFS Block 1—Double 69
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 1 (Double 69), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

69 Exit (MFS Block 1)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The 2-way formation called “69” is in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool as block 1. Learn more about this exit, where performers fly in opposite vertical orientations (head up and head down) facing one another.
[ Full Article ]  

Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The double spock is a competitive freefly maneuver found in the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer facing one another and docking with a single hand on each other's heads.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Learn all about exiting a Mixed Formation Skydiving Random B (Double Spocl), from move desciption, prerequisites, set-up, to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sole to sole (MFS Random D)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The sole-to-sole is a competitive freefly maneuver, formation FF-3 of the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer making stationary contact with the sole of the other jumper's foot.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Random F (Totem)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random F (Totem), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Up Neutral Position
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Your fall rate increases when flying in a vertical orientation, and this will reduce your available working time, so give yourself extra time to slow down before your planned deployment altitude. Make sure you have provided adequate exit separation from other jumpers based on the aircraft's ground speed, and be sure to face perpendicularly to the line of flight while in freefall.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Up Range-of-Motion Drills
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

This installment is for solo jumpers looking to become more stable and mobile in a sit and to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on another jumper.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Rock the Cradle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in performing a half-loop from the head-up to head-down orientation and a half-loop from the head-down to the head-up orientation.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Up Side Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Thinking on Your Feet — Improving Your Sit-Fly
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Whether you are just learning to sit-fly or have simply hit a plateau in your learning curve, fine-tuning your basic head-up body position is worth the time. Many jumpers, even those for whom sit-flying initially came easily, find themselves stuck in place or unstable if they try to move from a neutral position to drive forward or take a dock. This article explains the basic mechanics of the sit orientation and offers solutions to common problems.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly Fall-Rate Changes (Leg Mechanics)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your ability to chase and fly relative to others and learn an important skill for taking and maintaining grips! There are many ways of flying head-up or vertically oriented, and a flyer can take advantage of the various postures and their resultant terminal velocities (fall rates).
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly Turns (Arm Mechanics)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

This ability will help you to perform advanced arm turns (mantis position) on your belly, hold a solid, neutral back-fly position, perform back-fly to sit-fly transition, hold a solid, neutral head-up position, etc.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-to-Sit Backflip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in head-up orientation. Learn to fly through multiple axes and an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Toe-Knee Drill
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The purpose of this drill is to enhance the communication and rela-tive-work skills of those jumpers who are proficient in sit flying but struggle with taking grips.
[ Full Article ]  

Belly to Head-Up Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

This article looks at the Belly to Head-up Transition and focusses on the technical execution as well as on how it should feel to the jumper. It also includes helpful hints on how to remedy typical problems that arise when a jumper first tries the maneuver.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Flip Transition from Sit to Head-Down Daffy
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

When transitioning from a head-up to a head-down position, most vertical formation skydiving competitors transition over their backs instead of performing cartwheels. Though the end result is the same, the back flip has more dynamic range, is more aerodynamic and is easier to control than a cartwheel.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-Sit Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in the sit-fly position, learn to fly through multiple axes, and learn a basic, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 4
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 4 (Chain Gang), from move desciption to execution (head-down and head-up flyers), and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Solo Skills

Advanced Belly Turns
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Increase speed in a turn. Gain a greater lower-body awareness. Improve super-positioning (moving in more than a single direction). Learn how to add precision to a turn and how to stop more precisely.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly to Sit-Fly Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn how to fly through multiple axes and how to recover from sit-fly instability.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Backward Movement—Belly Flying
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Stop more powerfully when going forward or approaching a target, learn to maneuver while on grips, to move pieces while formation skydiving, and to increase your body-flight awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Backward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive backward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventu-ally, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move farther and more quickly in the backward direction.
[ Full Article ]  

The Barrel Roll
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Performance: this maneuver is frequently used transition for back-to-belly freefly compulsory moves in competition. Safety: It is also a technique to recover from instability, used to clear airspace above you prior to deployment and its half-way point, backflying, is a bail-out procedure for freeflying (to prevent corking).
[ Full Article ]  

The Neutral Belly Position
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Although all jumpers may feel familiar with the neutral belly position, many do not use proper technique since some of the methods used to teach it actually encourage improper positions. Many jumpers mistake it as only a deployment position and miss, that it is also an essential flying position.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Safety: increase awareness of your surroundings and create adequate separation from large groups before deploying your parachute. Performance: increase your physical awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Outfacing Head-Down Carve
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn to have greater mobility while flying head-down, as well as while angle-flying.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-Fly to Head-Down Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in neutral sit-fly and head-down positions, particularly the head-down daffy, with sit-to-sit front flips and backflips, as well as belly-to-back barrel rolls to help with visuals.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-sit Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of this drill is to increase balance in the head-up orientation, to learn to fly through multiple axes, and to learn an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down In-Facing Carving
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Achieve greater mobility while flying head-down or while back-flying, and perfect a flying position that has a wide fall-rate range and allows the jumper to cover great distances.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Diving Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: begin an aggressive dive in a stable position with a predictable trajectory. Performance: successfully dive after a formation of any size or efficiently dive after a student as an AFF instructor.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Floater Exit
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Better understand “the hill” (the shift in the relative wind during the first few seconds after exit). Learn an essential formation skydiving skill (2-ways to big-ways) and a position used for hop and pops, camera flying and reserve-side AFF instruction.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Floater Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Get a better understanding of “the hill” (the directional shift in the relative wind immediately after exit) and and introduction to freefly exits.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-Fly Exits
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Learn the proper techniques for the most common sit-fly exits: front and rear float. Jumpers can perform this dive as a 2-way or break it into its components for a solo dive.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Fall-Rate Changes
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

There are many reasons for learning to control fall rate while on your back, but one of the most common is the need to maintain level during a sit-fly jump when a partner loses his balance and “corks”. By back-flying at a slower fall rate, you will be able to minimize the vertical distance and perhaps be able to salvage what is left of your working time.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Foreward Movement in the Daffy Position
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This is a necessary skill for success at head-down formation jumps (vertical and mixed formation skydiving) which can help you gain the ability to better deal with leg traffic while flying in close proximity to others.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Forward Movement
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

This is a necessary skill for succeeding at head-down formation jumps (VFS and MFS). It is also essential for breaking off from a head-down jump and a prerequisite for in-facing carving and other angle-type jumps as well as floating or diving to a formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Forward Movement in a Sit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

A jumper uses three sections of the body – the torso, the hips and the legs – to drive forward while in a head-up orientation. A flyer can apply inputs from just one of these sectors to make a small movement. Eventually, the flyer can begin to combine these inputs to move forward farther and more quickly.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit to Head-Down Front Flip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

Learn a basic transition for the 2-way mixed formation skydiving dive pool and get an introduction to the half-eagle move.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-down Side-Slides
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, stability and mobility. Improve your vertical and mixed formation skydiving skills.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-down Variations
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your stability and range in the head-down orientation by learning different leg positions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-up Variations
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Sit-flying is the most common variation of head-up flying, but there are many other possibilities. By changing your leg positions and manipulating the air pressure in front of and behind your body simultaneously, you can progress beyond the basic sit-fly and add positions such as the knee-fly, stag and stand to your repertoire.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Level Changes While Belly Flying
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: avoid collision, understandi and navigate through burbles, stay with students (for rating holders). Performance: get to different vantage points (for camera flyers), make a powerful stop after diving to a base, increase your ability to fly with a wide range of people with a variety of fall rates, and improve your track with slow-flight skills.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Up Neutral Position
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Your fall rate increases when flying in a vertical orientation, and this will reduce your available working time, so give yourself extra time to slow down before your planned deployment altitude. Make sure you have provided adequate exit separation from other jumpers based on the aircraft's ground speed, and be sure to face perpendicularly to the line of flight while in freefall.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Basic Back-Fly Position
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This introduction to freeflying wants to increase your fall-rate range and help you maintain your fall rate if you lose stability during a freefly jump.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Range of Motion Drills for Back-Flyers
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of these drills is to become more stable and mobile while back-flying solo, to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on other jumpers, and to gain greater air awareness that will allow you to perform more advanced maneuvers (such as back- to-head-up transitions).
[ Full Article ]  

Range of Motion Drills for Belly-Flyers
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of these drills is to become more stable and mobile while belly flying, to gain the skill set necessary to begin flying with the entire body, to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on other jumpers, to rapidly recover from instability (self induced, caused by others, even on the hill), to counteract unwanted movement during maneuvers.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Down Range of Motion Drills
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of these drills is for solo jumpers to become more stable and mobile in the head-down position and to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on another jumper.
[ Full Article ]  

Head-Up Range-of-Motion Drills
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

This installment is for solo jumpers looking to become more stable and mobile in a sit and to gain the skill set necessary to take grips on another jumper.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Side Slide
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

In a side-slide, your goal is to move horizontally toward a target. Though you'll use similar inputs as you do when turning, you'll drive both your upper and lower body in the same direction.
[ Full Article ]  

Thinking on Your Feet — Improving Your Sit-Fly
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Whether you are just learning to sit-fly or have simply hit a plateau in your learning curve, fine-tuning your basic head-up body position is worth the time. Many jumpers, even those for whom sit-flying initially came easily, find themselves stuck in place or unstable if they try to move from a neutral position to drive forward or take a dock. This article explains the basic mechanics of the sit orientation and offers solutions to common problems.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-to-Sit Backflip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in head-up orientation. Learn to fly through multiple axes and an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Tracking — Theory and Application
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Tracking is an area that jumpers, regardless of skill level, need to continually practice and improve. Even those who have made thousands of skydives often need to go back and hone the basics, since many will have formed inefficient habits over the years. A good, basic tracking position will maximize both forward drive and lift to create the most horizontal separation from others in the shortest amount of time possible. In other words, at the end of a skydive, trackers should try to fall as slowly as they can and go forward as quickly as they can so they don't open their parachutes near anyone.
[ Full Article ]  

Back Tracking
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to lead a tracking dive and how to track away from a freefly jump.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Belly-to-Back Backflip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, and gain an introduction to flying through multiple axes, including the vertical. This skill also assists in learning to fly head-up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly-to-Belly Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, gain an introduction to flying through the vertical axis, and learn to fly through multiple axes. This skill also assists with learning to fly head up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Flip Transition from Sit to Head-Down Daffy
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

When transitioning from a head-up to a head-down position, most vertical formation skydiving competitors transition over their backs instead of performing cartwheels. Though the end result is the same, the back flip has more dynamic range, is more aerodynamic and is easier to control than a cartwheel.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-Sit Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in the sit-fly position, learn to fly through multiple axes, and learn a basic, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Turns (Heading Changes)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Jumpers can induce heading changes in several ways. This article covers two basic ways, which isolate upper and lower body move-ments. After gaining proficiency at both, you can combine them.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-Down Turns
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of head-down turns is to create a heading change, increase your basic flying proficiencyand your overall body awareness.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Body Flight > Transitions

Back-Fly to Sit-Fly Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Learn how to fly through multiple axes and how to recover from sit-fly instability.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Barrel Roll
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Performance: this maneuver is frequently used transition for back-to-belly freefly compulsory moves in competition. Safety: It is also a technique to recover from instability, used to clear airspace above you prior to deployment and its half-way point, backflying, is a bail-out procedure for freeflying (to prevent corking).
[ Full Article ]  

Belly-to-Back Backflip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, and gain an introduction to flying through multiple axes, including the vertical. This skill also assists in learning to fly head-up.
[ Full Article ]  

Back-Fly-to-Belly Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase air awareness, gain an introduction to flying through the vertical axis, and learn to fly through multiple axes. This skill also assists with learning to fly head up.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit-Fly to Head-Down Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in neutral sit-fly and head-down positions, particularly the head-down daffy, with sit-to-sit front flips and backflips, as well as belly-to-back barrel rolls to help with visuals.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-sit Cartwheel
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

The purpose of this drill is to increase balance in the head-up orientation, to learn to fly through multiple axes, and to learn an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]  

Half Reverse Eagle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

The two performers face each other in opposing orientations (one is head up, the other head down) and simultaneously fly around one another on the vertical axis toward their feet. They then stop at the 180-degree mark, having traded places.
[ Full Article ]  

Sit to Head-Down Front Flip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

Learn a basic transition for the 2-way mixed formation skydiving dive pool and get an introduction to the half-eagle move.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Head-up Breakoff
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Once you reach breakoff altitude, your primary objective is to create a lot of horizontal distance from other jumpers in order to deploy your parachute safely. It may be difficult to know the location of every person on your jump, which is why it is your responsibility to clear your airspace while moving away. Avoiding collisions in freefall, during deployment and under canopy is paramount.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 1—Double 69
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 1 (Double 69), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 8 (Bison)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Bison), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Rock the Cradle
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Vince Arnone.

Before you attempt this maneuver, you need to be proficient in performing a half-loop from the head-up to head-down orientation and a half-loop from the head-down to the head-up orientation.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-Sit Backflip
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in head-up orientation. Learn to fly through multiple axes and an advanced, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Flip Transition from Sit to Head-Down Daffy
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Iveta Muravyeva.

When transitioning from a head-up to a head-down position, most vertical formation skydiving competitors transition over their backs instead of performing cartwheels. Though the end result is the same, the back flip has more dynamic range, is more aerodynamic and is easier to control than a cartwheel.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-to-Sit Front-Flip Transition
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Increase your balance in the sit-fly position, learn to fly through multiple axes, and learn a basic, over-the-head transition.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 4
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 4 (Chain Gang), from move desciption to execution (head-down and head-up flyers), and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Chapter 3: Canopy Control

Canopy Control > Introduction / Theory

Aerodynamics—Theories of Flight
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

This article focuses on how parachutes fly and look at the two theories most relevant to sport parachutes: Bernouille"s principal, which explains how a wing creates lift, and Newton"s Third Law, which then explains how that lift (force) acts on a body.
[ Full Article ]  

Descent vs. Sink
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous installment covered the differences in a canopy's horizontal speeds, specifically forward speed and ground speed, and discussed how a jumper can control these factors to navigate to a target more effectively. This installment covers the system's vertical speeds, differentiating between descent rate and sink rate, which for the purpose of this article, represents two separate concepts.
[ Full Article ]  

Flight Dynamics—Attitude
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel and Bruce Fournier.

This installment focuses on defining a common and precise language for describing movements in the air, which is of great benefit, especially during debriefs and when describing events. This lays the basis for the next installment in this series, which will take a closer look at how a parachute moves around its three principal axes.
[ Full Article ]  

Flight Dynamics—Primary and Secondary Effects
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Building on the knowledge of our previous articles, we now take a closer look at how movements are practically applied. Unlike airplanes, which can manipulate each axis of rotation independently, sport parachutes have limitations. It is not as simple as "Pull a toggle and the parachute will yaw". Inputs that cause rotation have primary and secondary effects on a parachute system. Let's take a look at that.
[ Full Article ]  

Introduction to Forces
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

The next set of articles will discuss the forces involved in flight. Having a better understanding of some of the physics involved in flight helps you make educated decisions and increases your skill level under canopy. If you understand the rules of the game, you can make them work to your advantage.
[ Full Article ]  

Glide, Part 1
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous two installments covered the differences between a parachute's forward speed and ist ground speed, as well as the difference between descent rate and sink rate. Understanding these concepts allows us to discuss glide. "Gliding" in this context refers to unpowered flight. A parachute descends towards earth under the influence of gravity while interacting with the atmosphere it passes through.
[ Full Article ]  

Glide, Part 2
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous installment defined a canopy's trim angle and glide. This installment takes a closer look how a canopy pilot can alter the system's glide using brakes. In this installment we will cover changes that occur when a canopy pilot gently and continuously applies brakes while in level flight and we will cover the effects of braking on the Lift to Drag Ratio.
[ Full Article ]  

Glide, Part 3
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

This month's installment includes important key terms that will appear in future articles. In case you missed them, terms defined in previous installments are included.
[ Full Article ]  

Long Spots, Introduction—Definition and Factors
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

The ability to travel a great distance under parachute is an important skill that allows skydivers to return to the DZ and pass over undesirable terrain. While there is no defined distance for what constitutes a "long spot", Advanced Exercises (Jump 5 in Skydivers Information Manual Section 6-11, Advanced Canopy Piloting Topics) requires jumpers to exit an aircraft at 5,000 feet AGL at least 1.5 miles upwind of the landing area.
[ Full Article ]  

Long Spots—Determining Range Potential
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

To determine your personal range potential, you must train your eyes to see a specific phenomenon that occurs as you travel through space. In this installment, we are going to elaborate on the trick by introducing a skill-building exercise. We covered this topic in "Foundations of Flight—the Accuracy Trick" (April 2014 Parachutist). The video is also available on AXIS FlightSchoolTV on YouTube.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Long Spots—Energy Footpring (No Wind)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

This month, we pan out to see a slightly bigger picture: a canopy pilot's energy footprint. The two types of energy available to us are altitude (potential) and speed (kinetic). How a pilot chooses to manage these affects their flying experience. When returning from a long spot, the pilot must find a balance that allows maximization of range.
[ Full Article ]  

Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The term navigation refers to a broad skillset that includes identifying your current location and where you want to go, then choosing a strategy based on environmental conditions and how much altitude and time you have available. Since most skydiving takes place within eyeshot of a landing area and in a short time frame, it is good practice to predict your navigational choices and consider your options before boarding the aircraft. …
Please ignore title in pdf ("Flaring Technique"; print error).
[ Full Article ]  

Parachute Flight Dynamics
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

To become a more proficient canopy pilot, it's important to understand that the jumper is not separate from the canopy but is in fact part of an integrated system. Without delving too much into design specifics of parachutes, let's examine how a jumper's choices and actions affect the system as a whole.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Airflow
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

In previous articles, we discussed some of the inner workings and properties of a ram-air parachute. In this installment, we will take a closer look at how air flows into and around a ram-air parachute.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Cross-Bracing
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

Cross-bracing is a design feature found mostly on smaller, high-performance wings. Adding extra angled ribs between the vertical ones spreads the suspended load under a parachute span-wise througout the wing. This reduces undesirable shape distortions in flight, increasing efficiency and performance.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Cells
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

It is important for jumpers to have at least a rough understanding of the different areas and features of theur ram-air parachutes. Whether you are trying to describe a specific part that needs maintenance by a rigger or you are discussing your las landing with a canopy coach, a common language and terminology can help avoid confusion. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Airfoil
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

The previous article introduced the concept of using a two-dimensional cross-section to view an object's internal structure and looked at a parachute head-on to examine the cells. Here, the vantage point changes to a side view to cover some of the components that make up cells. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Wing Properties
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

In this article, we shift our vantage point to view the parachute from above: One can see the wing's planform—the two-dimensional shape and size of the wing—when viewing it from above. Shape and size play an important role in aerodynamics, as the design of a wing deflects airflow in ways that yield specific flight characteristics. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Fabrics
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

Manufacturers are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest materials to improve on their designs. Most parachutes are constructed using a lightweight woven nylon that has a grid-like appearance when viewed up close. These tiny squares provide the material with great tensile strength and help prevent small tears from getting larger, which is why it is often called "rip-stop" material. …
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Turns, Spirals and Spins
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

A canopy pilot will have better control and may respond with greater confidence in a situation involving a turn, a spiral or a spin (whether these maneuvers a practiced intentionally, experiences accidentally or or brought on by malfunction) if they can distinguish between and have a better understanding of them.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > In-Air Canopy Skills

Relative Positioning Under Canopy
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Understanding your position relative to other jumpers under canopy is an essential skill, whether you are trying to avoid the other person or engage in a canopy formation skydive. To do this, you need to train and keep your skills of perception current.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > Malfunctions

Unusual Canopy Emergencies — Dual Deployments
Article by Jim Cowan.

Here is a compilation of techniques and options to address some of the most challenging and life-threatening situations that a ram-air parachutist may encounter. These are moments when pulling the cutaway handle is not the first thing to do, and in fact, may be a fatal mistake.

USPA videos on Malfunctions (standard videos and VR videos)
Article by USPA, with several contributors.

These videos were produced using highly skilled, highly trained professionals jumping canopies that were packed by an FAA Master Rigger intentionally configuring the openings to demonstrate some of the more common malfunctions solely for the purpose of providing these training aids. USPA provides guidance for handling these situations based on input from the industry and from historical accounts. Your specific experience and procedures may vary based on gear, preference, training, instructor guidance or other factors.

APF Malfunctions Training Video "Cutaway! Emergency Procedures" (complete video)
Video by APF, with several contributors.

Cutaway! Australian Parachute Federation's malfunction training video is designed to be used as an educational supplement to the required first jump course.
Featuring demonstrations by Australian skydiving champion, Michael Vaughan, it shows the different types of malfunctions that can occur and how to deal with them effectively using emergency procedures.
[ Video ]

APF Malfunctions Training Video "Cutaway! Ch 7 Two out."
Video by APF, with several contributors.

Canopy Control > Safety Issues

Cloud Clearance — Practical Tips
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Most jumpers have a difficult time remembering the cloud clearance regulations [FAR 105.17]. Understanding the reasons for the different altitude requirements can help you remember the necessary information.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Collisions
Video by Brian Vacher.
Flare Technique
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

In many cases, jumpers who are unable to finish their landing flares lack the optimum arm alignment in their control stroke. Misalignment impedes movement and requires a greater energy expenditure. When performed correctly, a flare feels relatively effortless because the arms are in the most mechanically efficient position. Proper technique enhances performance by providing the pilot greater authority over the steering lines.
[ Full Article ]  

Landing Priorities
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The phrase, "Any landing you walk away from is a good one", excuses inconsistent performance. Holding yourself to a higher standard is key to growth and improvement. Aviators routinely use checklists to stay organized, reduce errors and ensure the completion of important tasks. For safe landings, a priority checklist can provide the key elements needed for success …
[ Full Article ]  

MARDginal Analysis
Article by Riley Marschall.

Hey you … Can you define the term “MARD”?
– Do you know what it does?
– how it works?
– and what distinguishes it from similar systems?
If you answered 'No' to any of these questions, you're not alone!

Ram-Air Parachute and Canopy Check
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

There is much more to a parachute than just a nylon wing and some strings. Each component—which includes the canopy pilot—contributes to the performance of the parachute. The canopy ride is not a necessary evil that lets you jump again, but instead completes the skydiving experience with a skill set all jumpers share. Developing skills under a wing that is appropriate for your level of experience and currency is much more rewarding than rapidly downsizing or relying on gimmicks.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > Solo Skills

The Accuracy Trick
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Understanding your canopy's glide slope is an essential skill that you need to apply on every jump. Whether you have to navigate back from a long spot or land your reserve in someone's backyard, this visual trick will increase your chance of success.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Braked Canopy Flight
Article by Brianne Thompson and Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The purpose of this drill is to increase a pilot's awareness of a canopy's control range, awareness of a canopy's bank angle and angle of attack, landing proficiency, and long-spot navigation with a tail-wind. It also helps to gain mobility and increase the ability to ease congestion in the landing pattern as well as improve safety of emergency maneuvers near the ground.
[ Full Article ]  

Descent vs. Sink
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous installment covered the differences in a canopy's horizontal speeds, specifically forward speed and ground speed, and discussed how a jumper can control these factors to navigate to a target more effectively. This installment covers the system's vertical speeds, differentiating between descent rate and sink rate, which for the purpose of this article, represents two separate concepts.
[ Full Article ]  

Flare Technique
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

In many cases, jumpers who are unable to finish their landing flares lack the optimum arm alignment in their control stroke. Misalignment impedes movement and requires a greater energy expenditure. When performed correctly, a flare feels relatively effortless because the arms are in the most mechanically efficient position. Proper technique enhances performance by providing the pilot greater authority over the steering lines.
[ Full Article ]  

Properly Applying Front-Riser Input
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn correct hand placement while applying front-riser input to: avoid dropping a toggle, increase awareness of a canopy's control range, initiate a heading change, change the canopy's profile to increase descent rate and correspondingly increase airspeed, and allow a greater range of mobility within the landing pattern relative to other canopies.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Glide, Part 1
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous two installments covered the differences between a parachute's forward speed and ist ground speed, as well as the difference between descent rate and sink rate. Understanding these concepts allows us to discuss glide. "Gliding" in this context refers to unpowered flight. A parachute descends towards earth under the influence of gravity while interacting with the atmosphere it passes through.
[ Full Article ]  

Glide, Part 2
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

The previous installment defined a canopy's trim angle and glide. This installment takes a closer look how a canopy pilot can alter the system's glide using brakes. In this installment we will cover changes that occur when a canopy pilot gently and continuously applies brakes while in level flight and we will cover the effects of braking on the Lift to Drag Ratio.
[ Full Article ]  

Glide, Part 3
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

This month's installment includes important key terms that will appear in future articles. In case you missed them, terms defined in previous installments are included.
[ Full Article ]  

Relative Glide
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Understanding the difference between glide ratio and relative glide as well as how to best manipulate your canopy's control range to affect relative glide.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Harness Position and Inputs
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

Rapid improvements in canopy flight occur as jumpers learn to incorporate their lower bodies; just as in freefall. Newbies tend to manipulate their parachutes using only their arms, but incorporating correct hip and leg mechanics allow for a more coordinated and comfortable way of moving.
[ Full Article ]  

Heading Control Using Rear Risers During Deployment
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

If you find your-self near another jumper on opening, you will be able to quickly and effectively turn away to avoid a canopy collision. In addition, it's a good idea to turn away from the aircraft's line of flight after a full-altitude jump, just in case the group behind you did not give adequate separation.
[ Full Article ]  

Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The term "Kiting" refers to flying your parachute overhead while you're on the ground. The exercise provides feedback that you'llbe able to see, as well as feel through your harness and hands.
[ Full Article ]  

Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to control your canopy better after landing and avoid having it drag you in strong winds and become more attuned to how your parachute works.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Landing Priorities
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The phrase, "Any landing you walk away from is a good one", excuses inconsistent performance. Holding yourself to a higher standard is key to growth and improvement. Aviators routinely use checklists to stay organized, reduce errors and ensure the completion of important tasks. For safe landings, a priority checklist can provide the key elements needed for success …
[ Full Article ]  

Long Spots, Introduction—Definition and Factors
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

The ability to travel a great distance under parachute is an important skill that allows skydivers to return to the DZ and pass over undesirable terrain. While there is no defined distance for what constitutes a "long spot", Advanced Exercises (Jump 5 in Skydivers Information Manual Section 6-11, Advanced Canopy Piloting Topics) requires jumpers to exit an aircraft at 5,000 feet AGL at least 1.5 miles upwind of the landing area.
[ Full Article ]  

Long Spots—Determining Range Potential
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

To determine your personal range potential, you must train your eyes to see a specific phenomenon that occurs as you travel through space. In this installment, we are going to elaborate on the trick by introducing a skill-building exercise. We covered this topic in "Foundations of Flight—the Accuracy Trick" (April 2014 Parachutist). The video is also available on AXIS FlightSchoolTV on YouTube.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Long Spots—Energy Footpring (No Wind)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

This month, we pan out to see a slightly bigger picture: a canopy pilot's energy footprint. The two types of energy available to us are altitude (potential) and speed (kinetic). How a pilot chooses to manage these affects their flying experience. When returning from a long spot, the pilot must find a balance that allows maximization of range.
[ Full Article ]  

One-armed Canopy Flight
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

There may come a time when you wish to make an adjustment to your equipment after you have unstowed your brakes. Whether it's routine or an emergency, having the ability and know-how to fly your parachute with one hand may be of great value.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute and Canopy Check
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

There is much more to a parachute than just a nylon wing and some strings. Each component—which includes the canopy pilot—contributes to the performance of the parachute. The canopy ride is not a necessary evil that lets you jump again, but instead completes the skydiving experience with a skill set all jumpers share. Developing skills under a wing that is appropriate for your level of experience and currency is much more rewarding than rapidly downsizing or relying on gimmicks.
[ Full Article ]  

Why Stall?
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Anyone who takes a quick look at the USPA Canopy Piloting Proficiency Card will notice that most of the maneuvers are of the slowflight variety. The big question is, "Why do I need to perform stalls? What practical application does it offer?" Learning more about slow flight and stalls not only prepares you to land your parachute better, but also teaches you just how versatile your wing can be.
[ Full Article ]  

Rear-Riser Stall
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Paul Youcupicio.

Stalling a parachute is a huge fear for most jumpers. However, exploring stalls and the slow-flight range of a canopy gives jumpers a better understanding of how their parachutes work and helps them to fly better landing patterns, improve accuracy and execute consistently soft landings.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Toggle Stalls
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Reasons to practice toggle Stalls are to understand your canopy's slow-flight characteristics and its limits (the stall point), to improve your landings by making smoother and more precise inputs, to further your knowledge of braked (flat) turns for obstacle avoidance, and to minimize altitude loss when turning and to maintain vertical separation from others when turning in the pattern.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Turns, Spirals and Spins
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

A canopy pilot will have better control and may respond with greater confidence in a situation involving a turn, a spiral or a spin (whether these maneuvers a practiced intentionally, experiences accidentally or or brought on by malfunction) if they can distinguish between and have a better understanding of them.
[ Full Article ]  

Land unter — (Water Landings Training - German Edition)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Samantha Schwann.

Die Bezeichnung Sky Diving bekommt eine dramatisch andere Bedeutung, wenn ein Springer bei der Landung – statt festen Boden zu spüren – weit mehr als nur nasse Füße bekommt. Damit es in einer solchen Ausnahmesituation nicht „drunter und drüber“ geht, sondern rein und zügig wieder raus, empfiehlt sich eine ent­sprechende Vorbereitung.
[ Full Article ]  

Training for Water Landings — More Than Just a Sign-Off
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Samantha Schwann.

Training for intentional and unintentional water landings is an important part of a skydiver's learning progression and is required to receive the USPA B license. Unfortunately, most jumpers rarely give it much thought after their instructors sign them off for this skill, and few take the time to carefully consider the dangers involved.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

99 Problems, but the Wind ain't One (French and English)
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

See above. The content is available in French and English.
[ Full Article ]  

99 Problems, but the Wind ain't One
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

When a canopy pilot moves through air that is itself moving, that air continuously affects the parachute's speed and path over the ground. When you are trying to make it back to the landing area, merely pointing the canopy's nose toward the target may not be enough.
[ Full Article ]  

Reading Surface Wind Conditions
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Increase situational awareness and increase ability to make better landing pattern and direction decisions. Better anticipate your movement across the ground (holding, running and crabbing). Anticipate and avoid turbulent conditions.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > XRW

XRW — Mixed Formation Flights
Article by Niklas Daniel, Barry Holubeck and Will Kitto.
Camera by Barry Holubeck and Will Kitto; Diagrams by Niklas Daniel.

A wing-suit flying relative to a canopy is not a new concept; however in the past it has always been considered a stunt rather than a potential discipline. As wing-suit and canopy technology continues to rapidly improve, we can almost guarantee that mixed formation flights will become more commonplace in the future. Therefore it is imperative that we take a closer look at what makes this activity possible and address some of the potential dangers associated with it. This form of flight is very new and safety is of great concern. By no means are we experts on the subject, but we would like to share some of the information we have accumulated over the last year during our training camps.
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > Equipment – CYPRES how to-series

What is an AAD?
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 1:
«What is an AAD?»
[ Video ]

Switching On and Off
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 2:
«Switching On and Off»
[ Video ]

Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 3:
«CYPRES Models»
[ Video ]

Changing modes on C-model
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 4:
«Changing modes on C-model»
[ Video ]

Changing the Scale
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 5:
«Changing the Scale»
[ Video ]

Setting the Activation Altitude
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 6:
«Setting the Activation Altitude»
[ Video ]

DZ Offset
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 7:
«DZ Offset»
[ Video ]

Unit Information
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 8:
«Unit Information»
[ Video ]

Traveling with a CYPRES outfitted rig
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 9:
«Traveling with a CYPRES outfitted rig»
[ Video ]

AAD information for jump pilots
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 10:
«AAD information for jump pilots»
[ Video ]

Is there anything a CYPRES cutter cannot cut though?
Video by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.

AXIS Flight School instructional video series
CYPRES How to – video 11:
«Is there anything a CYPRES cutter cannot cut though?»
[ Video ]

Cypres Error and Information Codes
Article by Cypres.

List of CYPRES error codes and informational codes with explanation
[ Full Article ]  

Canopy Control > Equipment – other

Comp Velocity Packing
Video by Performance Designs.
Flight Dynamics—Attitude
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel and Bruce Fournier.

This installment focuses on defining a common and precise language for describing movements in the air, which is of great benefit, especially during debriefs and when describing events. This lays the basis for the next installment in this series, which will take a closer look at how a parachute moves around its three principal axes.
[ Full Article ]  

Flight Dynamics—Primary and Secondary Effects
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Building on the knowledge of our previous articles, we now take a closer look at how movements are practically applied. Unlike airplanes, which can manipulate each axis of rotation independently, sport parachutes have limitations. It is not as simple as "Pull a toggle and the parachute will yaw". Inputs that cause rotation have primary and secondary effects on a parachute system. Let's take a look at that.
[ Full Article ]  

Introduction to Forces
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

The next set of articles will discuss the forces involved in flight. Having a better understanding of some of the physics involved in flight helps you make educated decisions and increases your skill level under canopy. If you understand the rules of the game, you can make them work to your advantage.
[ Full Article ]  

Line Types – Part 1 — Dacron
Video by Performance Designs.
Line Types – Part 2 — Kevlar
Video by Performance Designs.
Line Types – Part 4 — Vectran
Video by Performance Designs.
Line Types – Part 5 — HMA
Video by Performance Designs.
Locking Stow Myth
Video by Performance Designs.
MARDginal Analysis
Article by Riley Marschall.

Hey you … Can you define the term “MARD”?
– Do you know what it does?
– how it works?
– and what distinguishes it from similar systems?
If you answered 'No' to any of these questions, you're not alone!

Method to Measure Your Slider
Video by Performance Designs.
Packing a Large Canopy Part 1
Video by Performance Designs.
Packing a Large Canopy Part 2
Video by Performance Designs.
Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Airflow
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

In previous articles, we discussed some of the inner workings and properties of a ram-air parachute. In this installment, we will take a closer look at how air flows into and around a ram-air parachute.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Cross-Bracing
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera Niklas Daniel.

Cross-bracing is a design feature found mostly on smaller, high-performance wings. Adding extra angled ribs between the vertical ones spreads the suspended load under a parachute span-wise througout the wing. This reduces undesirable shape distortions in flight, increasing efficiency and performance.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute and Canopy Check
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

There is much more to a parachute than just a nylon wing and some strings. Each component—which includes the canopy pilot—contributes to the performance of the parachute. The canopy ride is not a necessary evil that lets you jump again, but instead completes the skydiving experience with a skill set all jumpers share. Developing skills under a wing that is appropriate for your level of experience and currency is much more rewarding than rapidly downsizing or relying on gimmicks.
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Cells
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

It is important for jumpers to have at least a rough understanding of the different areas and features of theur ram-air parachutes. Whether you are trying to describe a specific part that needs maintenance by a rigger or you are discussing your las landing with a canopy coach, a common language and terminology can help avoid confusion. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Airfoil
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

The previous article introduced the concept of using a two-dimensional cross-section to view an object's internal structure and looked at a parachute head-on to examine the cells. Here, the vantage point changes to a side view to cover some of the components that make up cells. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Wing Properties
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

In this article, we shift our vantage point to view the parachute from above: One can see the wing's planform—the two-dimensional shape and size of the wing—when viewing it from above. Shape and size play an important role in aerodynamics, as the design of a wing deflects airflow in ways that yield specific flight characteristics. …
[ Full Article ]  

Ram-Air Parachute Anatomy—Fabrics
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Bruce Fournier.

Manufacturers are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest materials to improve on their designs. Most parachutes are constructed using a lightweight woven nylon that has a grid-like appearance when viewed up close. These tiny squares provide the material with great tensile strength and help prevent small tears from getting larger, which is why it is often called "rip-stop" material. …
[ Full Article ]  

Removable Deployment Systems — Fashion or Function?
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Where previously only highly experienced canopy pilots have used a RDS, now more skydivers with less experience are jumping them. Are they using this piece of gear as a fashion statement or status symbol, or are they using it for its function?
[ Full Article ]  

How To: PD Rigger Roll
Video by Performance Designs.
Safety Day Canopy Inspection
Video by Performance Designs.
Semistowless Bag Line Stowage
Video by UPT, Greg Rau.
Collapsing a Slider
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Unlike a standard slider, a collapsible slider has two sewn-in channels that each contain a cord with a tab that sticks out the trailing side. This allows you to change the shape of the slider to resemble a bowtie with two strings dangling behind. Learn about the benefits and the execution of collapsing a slider.
[ Full Article ]  

How to attach PD Slinks
Video by Performance Designs.

Chapter 4: Camera Flying

Camera Flying > Competition

Camera Flying > Competition > FS

A Guide to Filming FS 4-Way — Climb Out, Freak Out, Chill Out
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This article is for jumpers who already have some experience flying camera and are trying to expand their knowledge of how to film formation teams in a competition setting. I will focus mainly on 4-way, because I believe it to be the most difficult formation skydiving discipline to film (aside from vertical formation skydiving), due to the many different exits and faster key speeds. However, once you have a firm grasp of shooting 4-way, the same principles can be applied to 8-way and larger formations.
[ Full Article ]  

Camera Flying > Competition > MFS

Decoding MFS Video
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by David Cherry and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Although MFS teams generally put most of their training focus on the performers, the camera flyers' performances are critical to success. The mixture of horizontal and vertical formations makes flying camera for an MFS team very challenging because there is a lot of active flying necessary to get the best camera angle.
[ Full Article ]  

Camera Flying > Competition > VFS

VFS Camera — Tricks and Traps
Article by Niklas Daniel and Sara Curtis; .
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) is a new and strongly emerging discipline, which combines the body-flight skills of freeflying and the mental skills of formation skydiving. In the past, very few skydivers have had the ability to take part in this discipline because it takes a certain level of proficiency of flight, and a complex understanding of formations. Today wind tunnels are springing up all over the globe, assisting skydivers in their quest for awesomeness. (…) In this article we are going to take a closer look at the camera flyer. Even though there may be some similarities in the responsibilities between camera flyers on the horizontal and vertical axis, with the addition of a greater fall rate speed and added dimensions of the formations, filming VFS is probably one of the most difficult disciplines to shoot. Here we check out some tricks and traps of this fun and challenging position.
[ Full Article ]  

Camera Flying > Solo Skills

Climbing to a Camera Step
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Formation skydiving camera flyers make the most use of camera steps, but jumpers in other disciplines will also find them useful at times. Camera steps and their accompanying handles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, due to the plane size, safety concerns or structural issues, they cannot be found at all drop zones.
[ Full Article ]  

Camera Flying > Equipment

Out of Sight, Out of Frame — Using a Ring Sight
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Skydivers who use cameras typically mount their equipment to their helmets in order to keep their hands clear to maneuver in freefall and operate their parachute systems. Looking through the camera's viewfinder to aim and center the shot is not an option. Enter the ring sight.
[ Full Article ]  

Chapter 5: Competition

Competition > AE

AE Freeflying (Open)
Article by XP Ascend.
AE Freestyle (Open)
Article by XP Ascend.
AE Intermediate
Article by XP Ascend.

Competition > Camera

Competition > Camera > FS

A Guide to Filming FS 4-Way — Climb Out, Freak Out, Chill Out
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This article is for jumpers who already have some experience flying camera and are trying to expand their knowledge of how to film formation teams in a competition setting. I will focus mainly on 4-way, because I believe it to be the most difficult formation skydiving discipline to film (aside from vertical formation skydiving), due to the many different exits and faster key speeds. However, once you have a firm grasp of shooting 4-way, the same principles can be applied to 8-way and larger formations.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > FS

Competition > FS > Exit

2-Way Phalanx Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the 2-Way Phalanx exit, from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Belly Star Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Launching a 2-Way Sidebody Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive, perfect a basic and fundamental exit technique used extensively in 4-way formation skydiving, and facilitate an easier transition into larger formation exits.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting an Open Accordion (4-Way FS Random F)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Sandy Radsek and Kim Winslow.
Camera by Niklas Daniel (air) and Mark Kirschenbaum (ground).

Exiting an open accordion (formation F in the 4-way dive pool) appears simple but is deceptively difficult. These instructions show the exit from a Twin Otter, the most commonly used plane for competitions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Exiting a 2-Way Compressed Accordion / Periscope (MFS Block 7)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive and learn an advanced 2-way exit that is a component of several 4-way exits currently in the dive pool.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > FS > Page

2-Way Belly Cat-Accordion Move
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

A caterpillar (aka cat or cat-accordion) formation is a part of every belly discipline including mixed formation skydiving. Jumpers of all experience levels need to be able to execute this maneuver when flying belly formations.
[ Full Article ]  

Side Buddies (FS Block 7)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Learn how to effciently perform Block 7 of the 4-Way Formation Skydiving Dive Pool (Side Buddies) and increase your basic knowledge of how to make 360-degree turns from a sidebody for 8-way, 16-way or any size sequential formation.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Phalanx to Open Accordion Drill
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Two-way formation skydiving drills such as this one are beneficial because both flyers get an opportunity to work on their personal skills. The ability to fly relative to another jumper is essential for all formation skydiving disciplines, no matter the size of the formation.
[ Full Article ]  

Spinning a 2-Way-Caterpillar (Cat) Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Spinning a Sidebody Piece Backward
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Travis Mills.

Perfect a fundamental block move from the 4- and 8-way dive pools.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Two-Way Verticals (aka "Over Unders" or "Burble Hopping")
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: Recognize and either avoid or navigate through a burble, avoid getting “taken out” if another jumper goes low on a formation, and avoid having a burble affect stability during a skydive. Performance: Learn a fundamental skill for performing 4-way and 8-way formation skydiving blocks and further develop your fall-rate skills and apply them to a new task.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Competition > FS > Solo Skills

Breaking off from a Belly Formation
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

One of the most important things a jumper can do to ensure safety during a group skydive is to properly track away from the formation at breakoff time. However, performing a straight, flat track alone is not enough.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > MFS

Competition > MFS > Camera

Decoding MFS Video
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by David Cherry and illustrations by Niklas Daniel.

Although MFS teams generally put most of their training focus on the performers, the camera flyers' performances are critical to success. The mixture of horizontal and vertical formations makes flying camera for an MFS team very challenging because there is a lot of active flying necessary to get the best camera angle.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > MFS > Exit

69 Exit (MFS Block 1)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The 2-way formation called “69” is in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool as block 1. Learn more about this exit, where performers fly in opposite vertical orientations (head up and head down) facing one another.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a 2-Way Compressed Accordion / Periscope (MFS Block 7)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive and learn an advanced 2-way exit that is a component of several 4-way exits currently in the dive pool.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Learn all about exiting a Mixed Formation Skydiving Random B (Double Spocl), from move desciption, prerequisites, set-up, to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

MFS Exit for Random G (T-Squared)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random G (T-Squared), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Half Rebel (MFS Random N)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Increase your ability to score points during a mixed formation skydiving competition in which the half rebel (MFS random formation N) is the first point by launching it from the aircraft.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Competition > MFS > Page

MFS Block 1—Double 69
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 1 (Double 69), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way MFS Block 7—Periscope-Periscope
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Kevin Mitchell.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 7 (Periscope), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 8 (Bison)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Bison), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Block 10 (Flat Stairstep)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Block 10 (Flat Stairstep), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The double spock is a competitive freefly maneuver found in the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer facing one another and docking with a single hand on each other's heads.
[ Full Article ]  

Vertical Compressed Exit (MFS Random C)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

In the 2-way vertical compressed formation (random formation C in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool), the performers fly in opposing orientations, head-up and headdown.
[ Full Article ]  

Sole to sole (MFS Random D)
Article by Niklas Daniel with Steve Curtis.
Camera by Travis Mills.

The sole-to-sole is a competitive freefly maneuver, formation FF-3 of the open-class compulsory dive pool. It consists of a head-down flyer and a head-up flyer making stationary contact with the sole of the other jumper's foot.
[ Full Article ]  

MFS Random F (Totem)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Learn all about the Mixed Formation Skydiving Random F (Totem), from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > Speed

Who Says Solos Can't Be Fun — The Thrill and Challenge of Speed Skydiving
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Speed skydiving is the fastest non-motorized sport on earth, with competitors reaching velocities as high as those of Top Fuel dragsters, the quickest accelerating racing cars in the world. With the amount of energy a speed skydiver produces, those on the ground can actually hear the jumper pulling out of a dive! The sensations you experience speed skydiving are unlike anything you'll experience on other types of skydives.
[ Full Article ]  

Competition > VFS

VFS Block 4
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 4 (Chain Gang), from move desciption to execution (head-down and head-up flyers), and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Block 8
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brandon Atwood.

Learn all about the Vertical Formation Skydiving Block 8 (Buddy), from move desciption to execution, and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

VFS Camera — Tricks and Traps
Article by Niklas Daniel and Sara Curtis; .
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) is a new and strongly emerging discipline, which combines the body-flight skills of freeflying and the mental skills of formation skydiving. In the past, very few skydivers have had the ability to take part in this discipline because it takes a certain level of proficiency of flight, and a complex understanding of formations. Today wind tunnels are springing up all over the globe, assisting skydivers in their quest for awesomeness. (…) In this article we are going to take a closer look at the camera flyer. Even though there may be some similarities in the responsibilities between camera flyers on the horizontal and vertical axis, with the addition of a greater fall rate speed and added dimensions of the formations, filming VFS is probably one of the most difficult disciplines to shoot. Here we check out some tricks and traps of this fun and challenging position.
[ Full Article ]  

Chapter 6: Exits

Exits > 2-Way

2-Way Belly Star Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

Increase your air awareness, stability and mobility, and improve your performance in vertical and mixed formation skydiving and dynamic tunnel flying.
[ Full Article ]  

Two-Way Head-Down Flower Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

The 2-way flower is a great exit for jumpers just learning to fly head down. Though there are different ways to launch it, this one, launched from a left-door aircraft such as a Twin Otter using front- and rear-float positions, is the most basic.
[ Full Article ]  

Launching a 2-Way Sidebody Piece
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive, perfect a basic and fundamental exit technique used extensively in 4-way formation skydiving, and facilitate an easier transition into larger formation exits.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a 2-Way Compressed Accordion / Periscope (MFS Block 7)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Thomas Hughes.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Set up for a successful skydive and learn an advanced 2-way exit that is a component of several 4-way exits currently in the dive pool.
[ Full Article ]  

2-Way Phalanx Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Wybenga.

Learn all about the 2-Way Phalanx exit, from move desciption to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]  

Exiting a Double Spock (MFS Random B)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Learn all about exiting a Mixed Formation Skydiving Random B (Double Spocl), from move desciption, prerequisites, set-up, to execution and helpful hints.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Exiting a Half Rebel (MFS Random N)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Seth Studer (aerial) and David Amett (ground).

Increase your ability to score points during a mixed formation skydiving competition in which the half rebel (MFS random formation N) is the first point by launching it from the aircraft.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-Fly Exits
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Learn the proper techniques for the most common sit-fly exits: front and rear float. Jumpers can perform this dive as a 2-way or break it into its components for a solo dive.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

69 Exit (MFS Block 1)
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by David Cherry.

The 2-way formation called “69” is in the mixed formation skydiving dive pool as block 1. Learn more about this exit, where performers fly in opposite vertical orientations (head up and head down) facing one another.
[ Full Article ]  

Exits > 4-Way

Exiting an Open Accordion (4-Way FS Random F)
Article by Brianne Thompson with Sandy Radsek and Kim Winslow.
Camera by Niklas Daniel (air) and Mark Kirschenbaum (ground).

Exiting an open accordion (formation F in the 4-way dive pool) appears simple but is deceptively difficult. These instructions show the exit from a Twin Otter, the most commonly used plane for competitions.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Exits > Camera

A Guide to Filming FS 4-Way — Climb Out, Freak Out, Chill Out
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

This article is for jumpers who already have some experience flying camera and are trying to expand their knowledge of how to film formation teams in a competition setting. I will focus mainly on 4-way, because I believe it to be the most difficult formation skydiving discipline to film (aside from vertical formation skydiving), due to the many different exits and faster key speeds. However, once you have a firm grasp of shooting 4-way, the same principles can be applied to 8-way and larger formations.
[ Full Article ]  

VFS Camera — Tricks and Traps
Article by Niklas Daniel and Sara Curtis; .
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) is a new and strongly emerging discipline, which combines the body-flight skills of freeflying and the mental skills of formation skydiving. In the past, very few skydivers have had the ability to take part in this discipline because it takes a certain level of proficiency of flight, and a complex understanding of formations. Today wind tunnels are springing up all over the globe, assisting skydivers in their quest for awesomeness. (…) In this article we are going to take a closer look at the camera flyer. Even though there may be some similarities in the responsibilities between camera flyers on the horizontal and vertical axis, with the addition of a greater fall rate speed and added dimensions of the formations, filming VFS is probably one of the most difficult disciplines to shoot. Here we check out some tricks and traps of this fun and challenging position.
[ Full Article ]  

Exits > Solo Skills

Diving Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Safety: begin an aggressive dive in a stable position with a predictable trajectory. Performance: successfully dive after a formation of any size or efficiently dive after a student as an AFF instructor.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Back-Fly Floater Exit
Article by Niklas Daniel.
Camera by Brianne Thompson.

Get a better understanding of “the hill” (the directional shift in the relative wind immediately after exit) and and introduction to freefly exits.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

The Floater Exit
Article by Brianne Thompson.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Better understand “the hill” (the shift in the relative wind during the first few seconds after exit). Learn an essential formation skydiving skill (2-ways to big-ways) and a position used for hop and pops, camera flying and reserve-side AFF instruction.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Sit-Fly Exits
Article by Niklas Daniel with Brandon Atwood.
Camera by Steve Curtis.

Learn the proper techniques for the most common sit-fly exits: front and rear float. Jumpers can perform this dive as a 2-way or break it into its components for a solo dive.
[ Full Article ]   [ Video ]

Chapter 7: Feature Articles

Feature Articles > OEW

Déjà Vu?
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

U.S. Army veteran Joseph Grabianowski sustained severe wounds from a roadside bomb explosion in Afghanistan May 29, 2012. He underwent a series of grueling surgeries that resulted in bilateral hip disarticulation-amputation of both legs at the hip joint. Skydiving had been one of Joe's goals before he was wounded in Afghanistan, but solo jumping did not seem feasible due to the severity of his wounds.
[ Full Article ]  

Going Strong — Operation Enduring Warrior Skydive
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Operation Enduring Warrior Skydive (launched in 2013 as Operation X-Wing) had a very successful first year of operations and is continuing its mission to facilitate initial skydiving training for America's wounded warriors in 2014 and into the future. The skydiving community is going above and beyond to provide support for the program.
[ Full Article ]  

Love in the Air
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel et al..

Todd Love. You might not know the name – yet – but you've probably seen some pictures or videos of him. You'd remember because those were the images that immediately made you stop whining about how hard your day was and how you just couldn't do something because it was too difficult.
[ Full Article ]  

Love in the Air: Full Altitude
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

You may have wondered, "So what if…well, how will he…what about…?" After a year of coordinating, planning, tunnel training and research and design, Todd finally had a chance to answer the skeptics. D-Day (literally – it was June 6) finally came and Otter 1 had six slots dedicated to Todd's first jump: Todd Love (the student), Brianne Thompson and Niklas Daniel (AFF instructors), Mike McGowan (who volunteered his talents for photography), Wes Moraes (video), and Murv (just lurking). History was made!
[ Full Article ]  

Todd Love — Operation X-Wing
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Todd caught the skydiving bug after his first tandem with Mike Elliott and inspired Operation Enduring Warrior (OEW – to begin researching skydiving training. This was the beginning of Project X-Wing, a program established to facilitate initial skydiving training (AFF through A license) for combat wounded veterans. OEW set a goal of seeing each jumper (class 13-01 is four strong) all the way through to their USPA A license, which would ensure they could continue on in the sport and jump at any DZ independently.
[ Full Article ]  

Operation X-Wing
Article by Iveta "Murv" Muravyeva.
Camera by Niklas Daniel.

Skydivers know nothing could take the place of skydiving in their lives, and many turn to it for solace when faced with adversity. This thought brought about Operation X-Wing, a skydiving program under the umbrella of Operation Enduring Warrior, an organization whose objective is to create awareness of, provide support to and honor our nation's wounded warriors. OXW facilitates initial skydiving training (AFF through the A license) for combat-wounded veterans.
[ Full Article ]  

Feature Articles > Skydiving Life Style

Don't Be That Guy
Article by Brianne Thompson.

Learn about the "unwritten" side of being the coolest person on the drop zone
[ Full Article ]  

«Girls Can't Fly Parachutes» PIA Seminar
Video by Performance Designs.

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